I have to share a little project I did in just one day. I had this space in our living room behind the 2nd sofa which was in desperate need of some love. After three months living in our new home, I finally decided what I wanted.
In case you are wondering why I didn’t just hang the photos on the way? Good question, as I LOOOOOVE wall collage displays. Truth is I already had two wall collages of similar fashion downstairs. One with personal photos and one with art. I needed something a little different and wanted to combine both personal photos and abstract photos. The big piece was that I honestly could not afford to spend a lot of money. So I decided I would make the shelves myself and then use an assortment of frames I already had been sort of hoarding. HA! The overall project cost about 200.00 for the wood (which I ended up having too much of because I am a poor planner) and then I did buy primer and had to buy some nails and screws.
Please bare in mind this is just a quick cell phone picture of the wall display I’ve created, but I had quite a few folks asking pin in on Pinterest. So here ya go. 😉
I just nailed together three pieces of wood. Then screwed the back part of the shelf directly to the studs across the wall. My shelves look similar to these which I found for purchase on Etsy HERE. I made mine skinnier because I wanted the shelves recessed into the little nook in my living room. If you want to stack your frames more, I would recommend making your shelves much deeper than mine. I’m only able to overlap two frames at most, but I am ok with that.
To give you an idea on size, my wall is 180 inches wide. There is about 37 inches between the two shelves.
I’m so pleased with out it turned out considering I usually leave the woodworking to my husband. This time, I decided to just do it and surprise him when he got home from work. Surprised he was. <3