If I told you all how behind I am on blogging, well, it is downright shameful. But here goes another attempt from me to start posting again. I am desperately trying to make some changes to how I share galleries to my blog, so you will likely see some changes in the look of images in the posts very soon, once I figure out something that makes it easy for me.
Something wonky has been happening to the way the images are displayed recently, so it’s been increasingly frustrating for things not to be working as they used to. And look, I am not a programmer or web designer…so this coding and such is REALLY hard for me. But stressing over it…and using that as another excuse not to document these beautiful family photographs, well, I’m pressing onward! ha!~
I think mostly it is so hard for me to narrow down the images I want to share. I am beginning to thing I will just upload all the images from sessions in the near future, which I have not really been doing. Maybe I am embarrassed as to how many photos I actually take in a photo shoot. Heavy on the shutter is, well, an understatement.
Well, this family I’m sharing today….they are just the very best. They were expecting baby two at the time of this session, but it was still a secret. Their baby boy is I think almost two now. Crazy how time flies. But I haver to share their pics still because I love them so.