Just simple photographs of you and your new baby. As relaxed as having a total stranger in your house taking your photos can possible be. (hehe) I really try to make it stress free.
I’d like to think that these are the kinds of photographs that could be very nicely displayed on your walls…together or separately. Be sure to check out the last photo here to see just one of the many wall display options you could have with such photos.
This family is fairly new to the area. I was thrilled to hear all about this momma’s wonderful birth experience and talking about baby bottles and cloth diapers. The kind of talk that is really only exciting to new parents. ha!
Thank you guys so much for welcoming me into your home to get some of the first captures of your new family of three…or we could say really, family of five because their sweet puppy and lovely kitty are most certainly part of this clan. 😉 You can see a few of those other members in photos on a future post as there are many more fantastic photographs from this session to share! <3
I thought this would make a great piece of wall art. What do you think?
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