As a Houston Senior Photographer with teens, Amy’s consistent with her family photography work. High school senior photography sessions are low-key. The goal is always to show your child or teenager’s beauty most naturally and, most importantly, look like the best version of themselves. We will call them no-fuss photo sessions.
A trip down memory lane
When you look back at photographs of your child when they are babies, they change so quickly. At times, photos taken just a month apart will show miraculous physical changes, especially in the face. These small changes in features happen so fast that frequently our brains will not remember. Photographs offer us the ability to document these changes, so we never forget them—the true beauty of child photography.
It is common for parents to hire a family photographer more frequently during the younger years. Those squishy baby cheeks and giggly smiles from the little ones are certainly picture-worthy. However, time passes into, let’s face it, those awkward years. Also, life gets busier with school events, sports, and other things, which play a role in professional photography not being the priority it once was.
Then poof! Your child is in high school. Then they are about to graduate. All of a sudden, Houston Senior Photographer and hiring a professional for photographs returns back and is more important than ever. For many years the focus of Captured Simplicity has been younger children. However, Amy has taken on a select number of teens and high school seniors over the years.
Very limited senior sessions offered
The last 6-7 years, senior portraits by Amy were offered by referral only. As of 2020, Amy will offer senior photography on a case-by-case basis without referral. There a few sessions overdue to shine here on the blog. Beginning today, you all will get to see some of these. Reach out and see if Captured Simplicity is a good fit for you and your high school senior. Amy can often times accommodate last minute bookings! Expedited turnaround available too. Get your pics as soon as 48 hrs after the photo session is complete.
Sure, the newest iPhones do take great pictures. However, hiring a professional is worth its weight in gold for timeless, print-worthy photographs of your graduate!

Houston Senior Photography session pricing is the same as the regular family photography pricing shown here: